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"I had a great meeting of the minds with this ensemble.  When you work with QVE you can dig as deep and reach as high as you like."
Stephen Hatfield
Composer and conductor, British Columbia, Canada

"Such spirit, clarity, and technical control!  I have huge admiration for your director, for the programming, for the very high aesthetic and musical bar that is set for the group, and that is passed in the performances... I wish you continued success!"
Dr. Leonard Enns
Associate Composer, Canadian Music Centre; Professor of Music, University of Waterloo; Director, Da Capo Chamber Choir

"So many things make up a performance: demeanor, attitude, discipline, musicality, responsiveness, choice of repertory, appearance and above-all the ability to communicate with an audience.  I found all of these attributes present at the highest levels... The esprit de corps demonstrated from the moment their presentation began until the completion was truly unusual."
Dr. Albert McNeil, D.M.A.
Director, Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers of Los Angeles; Professor of Music (Emeritus), University of California, Davis

"...truly an outstanding choral ensemble.... Susan Quinn is a consummate musician who has led the singers to national recognition."
Dr. John Haberlen
Past President, American Choral Directors Association

"The level of artistic mastery achieved from these singers by music director Susan Quinn is exceptional.... I strongly believe that any opportunity the choir is given to pursue set goals will prove to be a highly successful investment for all."
Marc David
Music Director, Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra

"The Quintessential Vocal Ensemble lives up to its name!  Its performances offer an aural window into the essence of choral music that exceeds the usual superlatives.  By its impeccable phrasing, its crystal-clear diction, its compelling conviction in performance, QVE is the quintessential vocal ensemble."
Dr. Tom Gordon
Past Director, School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland

"I just can't say enough about how lucky young musicians in our community are to have the opportunity to take part in a choir that works at such a high level.  It is also a source of enormous pride to see one of our own graduates having such a big and positive impact on music in the city."
Dr. Maureen Volk
Past Director, School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland

"This choir commands attention for every nuance, every syllable it utters. One is completely drawn in to the presentation, willing or not... we, the audience, are made to live their music."
The Telegram

St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador

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